Compare your actual energy habits and investments from Step 2 with the ideal vision in Step 3. What do you notice? What would you like to improve upon, feel, or be (if anything)? Accept whatever you notice as a possibility. As you do so, reflect on the different values listed below. Is there any value or group of values that you need to identify, align with, celebrate, or re-assert in your life that can be helpful to you right now? Check off up to five values. Can you think of others not on this list? What inspires you?
Spirituality Transformation Social Good Challenge Boldness Stability Popularity
Family Legacy Beauty Fun Influence Service Pleasure
Security Growth Success Curiosity Power Friendship Religion
Peace Exploration Wholeness Justice Freedom Recognition Mystery
Love Community Achievement Reputation Creativity Intimacy Gratitude
Integrity Unity Nature Wisdom Status Respect Adventure
©2017 National Wellness Institute, Inc.
Wholeness Reflection Exercise Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of,
and make choices toward, a more successful existence.
STEP 1 Review the Six Dimensions of Wellness (See full description at
Physical: regular exercise; healthy nutritional habits; self-care; monitoring vital signs; sense of vitality
and energy; avoidance of alcohol, drug misuse, and tobacco use; connection to nature
Social: positive connections; encouraging community; giving and receiving social support; intimacy; compassion; love
Intellectual: creativity; stimulating mental activities; learning; reading; problem-solving;
staying current with events you enjoy
Spiritual: sense of purpose; connecting to a higher power; meaning in life; knowing one’s values; awareness of life as a journey; tolerance; integrity
Emotional: acceptance of feelings; management of emotions and stress; ability to center; resilience; attuned to others emotions
Occupational: financial health; ability to share gifts, talents, and skills through work; satisfying career; sense of achievement
STEP 3 Create Your Ideal Vision of Wholeness Imagine you have only 30 “energy blocks” to devote across the six dimensions. Fill in a total of 30 blocks below to indicate how your ideal self would distribute those blocks across the dimensions. Devote a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 energy blocks to each dimension.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
STEP 2 Assess Your Current Energy Investment In which dimensions of wellness are you investing the most — and least — energy right now? Color in each of the bars below to indicate how much time and energy you have positively invested in each of the six dimensions this week.
None Just Enough A Lot